Metal Infections What Type Of Infections Can Happen With Nose Piercings?

What type of infections can happen with nose piercings? - metal infections

I know the rut usually occurs, and a very serious infection that can cause brain Damga, but I wondered if he knew anything about the infection or other major cons. And if anyone knew what kind of metal to get pierced, I learned that cause economic and infections. Please someone help? Thanks


pretty_k... said...

If not professionally pierced, you could not tetanus Metal sterile. You can get staph infections, etc. These are the worst scenarios. Usually, after a piercing, things get a little swollen, even if they are inflamed infected (ie obtain, and a bit painful). Do not worry, try to ignore it, take a Tylenol. If you pus or blood in this case, get the nose piercing and go to the doctor.

pretty_k... said...

If not professionally pierced, you could not tetanus Metal sterile. You can get staph infections, etc. These are the worst scenarios. Usually, after a piercing, things get a little swollen, even if they are inflamed infected (ie obtain, and a bit painful). Do not worry, try to ignore it, take a Tylenol. If you pus or blood in this case, get the nose piercing and go to the doctor.

bubb said...

as an ear piercing. Why does your nose pierced?

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