Lacrosse Defense Drills What Are Some Simple Lacrosse Drills?

What are some simple Lacrosse drills? - lacrosse defense drills

I'm a fan, I have a wall and rebounds in my backyard. But do not start the season for a while and I want to practice really. I know I can use the network for rebounds and work in my crib, but what can I do to work my defense. I had lots of practice on my defense because I was goalkeeper of the year (which will never again). Thank you: D


BLC Joe said...

Defense is a little different for men and women lacrosse, men can play with the body of her husband to move to remove them, are bigger than the clubs.

My suggestion is to practice footwork, side by side and jog back. Defense is hard to practice without a full team of the most solid defense of his ability to drag and drop the ball so that the shooter will not be so open and free. You can benefit greatly from the See some old games and see the slides from the HW and defense moves and works in his ability to be aware of the ball and the potential dangers.

As a former goalkeeper with the calls and be near where the ball becomes a threat to the doorman, to be familiar ensure that the shooter to keep out of danger and continue shooting blocking the way, and guarded.

As I've said everything, what you do when you're on your own practice his footwork, the performance of his approach and by using the rebound from a wall or a large practice and good footwork start ball from one side to the other and catch.

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